Fun with GNU Guile and extending OpenCOBOL

It really is pretty neat, COBOL. So is the C Application Binary Interface on a GNU/Linux system. OpenCOBOL mixes these together creating a synergy of seemingly infinite potential.

Solid fiscal, numerical accuracies surrounding COBOL, the vastness of open source C, and OpenCOBOL's use of that vastness. …

Well met,

It really is pretty neat, COBOL. So is the C Application Binary Interface on a GNU/Linux system. OpenCOBOL mixes these together creating a synergy of seemingly infinite potential.

Solid fiscal, numerical accuracies surrounding COBOL, the vastness of open source C, and OpenCOBOL's use of that vastness.

An OpenCOBOL Guile extension post on made Hacker News. which is pretty neat too. Led to a night of mucking about with Jsoftware's J. J is an 'ASCII keyboard' rewrite of APL, by the original designer, Eric Iverson. Umm, pretty neat. But that is drift from the Guile news. Guile now scripts Scheme, bf, ECMAScript with more being added.

Turns out the Keisuke Nishida, the creator of OpenCOBOL, also worked on the Guile system, including it's VM and module handler, so adding Guile as a supported scripting extender for OpenCOBOL seems like a synergistic thing to do. An SCM to OpenCOBOL USAGE/PICTURE matrix might come in handy, add a Guile SMOB for cob_field and after that I think the embedding will be a powerful synergy of three very real, very widely deployed, veteran technologies.

The C ABI really does rock. So much for so little. Pretty neat.


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