The IPython interactive Python extended for scientific collaboration with web page notebooks now works with Opera. …
Well met,
IPython notebooks now work with Opera.
Anyone interested in software development should check it out.
Snag a tarball from
tar xvf ipython-0.13.tar.gz
cd ipython-0.13
sudo python install
ipython notebook --pylab
If Opera is your default browser (and why not?) you'll see the notebook launcher page. Create a new notebook and then start to play. IPython is one powerful shell. Works great for command line, gui and now Opera web access.
By default notebooks are served on
Along with pylab, you get a feature rich interactive graphing system.
from scipy.special import jn
x = linspace(0,4*pi)
for i in range(6):
plot(x, jn(i, x))
Executed from the Opera browser in the IPython notebook, to give
Even better:
$ ipython notebook --pylab=inline
to give (after filling the In[ ] code frame and hitting the little Go arrow under Kernel in the menu)
IPython notebook evaluates the code, captures all the output goodies and in a blink, a graph is embedded in the notebook. Go back and edit the In[1] block, hit go and a new graph takes it's place in the webpage. Best part, now Opera ready.
Very much worth trying, it may well increase interactive development productivity, once you get past the playing with the shiny new toy phase.
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